A short tutorial on how to use Google Earth Engine inside RStudio with the GEE Python API and reticulate
- the R interface to Python.
Since April this year I tweet irregularly about Google Earth Engine management tips. This blogpost unites all tweets on this topic.
I wrote a little Earth Engine App where I compared the data availability of Sentinel-1C (Top of Atmosphere) and Sentinel-2A (Surface Reflectance) within the EE data catalog. This blogpost is about the code behind the App.
Since the 27th of March 2019 has the Earth Engine data catalogue one more dataset. Sentinel-2 Surface Reflectance (Level-2A) data are finally available. This blog post teaches you in one minute, how to get the current Sentinel-2 ingestion status for your country.
TL;DR Europe’s air pollution decreases at weekends and rises again during the working week. The Netherlands is the country with the highest proportion of Nitrogen Dioxide (NO2) in the air - during working days. A Car-Free-Day Saturday in Spain and Portugal did not show a significant improvement in NO2 values compared to other “normal” Saturdays.
How often does Landsat-8 and Sentinel-2 appear at the same location at the same time?! Do both satellites really fly over the same spot somewhere at the same time, sometime? If so, Sentinel-2 should incidentally take photos of the Landsat-8 satellite itself. Well, let the quest for an unlikely image begin.
LANDSAT COST ESTIMATOR - A tool to estimate the cost of analyzed Landsat imagery if it wasn’t freely available.