What happened on my blog in 2020?

Actually, it happened more in the background than visible to the reader. I am increasingly using the cloud-based image management services from cloudinary (Free classic plan). In summer, I added a cookie-consent banner and since yesterday I have an RSS feed that you can add to your favorite RSS reader.

This year I have only written 8 blog articles and have not reached my personal goal of 12 articles per month. It’s not the ideas that are lacking, but the time to actually write the thing. Maybe it will work next year, we’ll see.

For those of you who are interested in user numbers. This year, my blog had 10K users (+14.3%) in 16K sessions (+26.0%).

Almost 60% of my readers find my blog via organic search in e.g. Google. Interestingly, whooping 13% come from social media (in descending importance: Twitter, Facebook (I’m not on FB), Disqus, LinkedIn, Google Groups, Pocket, Weebly, ResearchGate).

Data Studio - Google Analytics Annual Summary